7 Principles for a happy and successful life

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Much of the public dialogue is occupied by the importance of succeeding in life, the significance of learning to adapt in every challenge in order to confront it, to grow constantly and to work hard in order to attain your goals. However, what is true success, and which are the steps to reach there? This post aims to answer these questions outlining 7 life principles to live by.

  1. Be conscious that one day you will be gone

It is true that nobody knows how much time they have in their life, but rather than live in fear of this we should embrace the fact that life is short and unpredictable. Knowing this, we must live fully today, and that is not a recipe for recklessness rather a recipe to give your all today, to give your very best today, in everything you do; to give your greatest energy to this day, to your family and everyone you encounter. It is a reminder for you to live your best self in each moment. What if they couldn’t speak to you tomorrow? What if you were gone tomorrow? What would they speak of you? What can you do that will leave a lasting positive memory in the lives of everyone you encounter? It is about being lighthearted, knowing that in the end, none of this stuff matters. The only thing that ever matters is how you made others feel and how you felt in your own heart. It is about knowing that the things can never go with you in the end. The spirit lives on but the “things”, they die, with your physical body. Remembering that we are going to die is the greatest reminder we can have in our daily lives because it keeps us focused on what is important and what is real.

2. There is nothing you cannot be, do or have

If there has been someone, even one person on this planet, that has done before the thing you want to achieve, that means you can, too. It doesn’t mean it will be easy, but it does mean it is possible. And if it is possible, you can work towards it. You can make a plan, learn what needs to be done for you to live the most abundant life, a life most would consider impossible. Impossible broken down is simply the process of planning and being willing to work for that plan.

3. Nothing is worth it if it doesn’t make you happy

If a process doesn’t make you happy or make you better, don’t make time for it. If it doesn’t make you happy now, while your doing it or isn’t going to make you happy as a result of doing, it most likely is not worth it. Just as everything worth fighting for it is going to require a real fight to win a great prize, you will have to suffer and sacrifice for almost anything worthwhile in life. But you should ask yourself this question about everything you do in your life: “Does this make me happy?” If the answer is no, ask yourself “Will this sacrifice I am making lead to more happiness in the long term?” If not, you should let it go.

4. Be yourself

Be yourself, always. With no exceptions. There are so many people on this planet living lives they don’t want to live, just because they listened to other people who did the same. The only way you can live happy in this life, the only way you can be successful, is if you be you. You will never be truly happy in life, if you are constantly doing things to please others, to compete with others or to be like another. You are unique, and that is your greatest gift. When you follow your own path, regardless if that fits in with others, you open up space for great things to enter your life. So, compare yourself to no one, compete with no other. Make your own decisions, and that will lead to your greatest life.

5. Everything you need is already within you

There are endless examples of people who seemingly have it all, materially speaking, but they are empty inside. Things will never complete you; other people will never complete you, if you do not reach the inner equilibrium and self-love.  After all, needing nothing attracts everything. When you come from a place of needing nothing, of seeking nothing outside yourself to make you happy, you open space for more amazing things to enter your life. And if “things” don’t come, that’s fine, because real happiness it’s never found outside of us. It is not found in possessions or wealth. Happiness is always and only found within us; it is a state of mind. Happiness is the highest level of success.

6. Surround yourself with positive people

Surrounding yourself with “energy killers” is one of the worst things you can do if you want to live a happy and successful life. Obviously, not everyone, including your family and friends, will share the same positive energy you have, some will take a while, or some might never get there. Let them ride their own race, while you focus on living your own happiness. Thus, don’t ever dim your light to fit in with others. Shine bright and those who see your spark will shine with you. Because you can never live a great life if you surround yourself with “toxic” people

7. Focus on what you want

Whatever you will focus on in your life, you will find. If you search for negativity, hate, anger, violence or sadness in this world, you will find plenty of it. But the same is true on the flip side: if your only intention is to search for the good, you will find only the good. Whatever meaning you give to your life becomes your life. So, one fact can be a “failure” or a “lesson”, a “heartbreak” or “character building”. Life is “against you” or “making you stronger”. Because there is no such thing as reality. We choose our own reality by the meaning we give each moment in our lives.

Hence, make it your intention to look for the good in your life, to notice good in others, to be grateful for what you have, to see challenges as opportunities to show your true character. In the end, what you give your attention to, will become your experience in your life. So, practice seeing the good in your life and in others. Think the best, expect the best and always ask yourself “how this can benefit my life?”. Leave who you were, love who you are and look forward to who you will become.

Inspired by: https://iamfearlesssoul.com/

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